Welcome to Component Conundrum!!! A game where you have to guess board games from their components.
Each month (give or take, that’s the aim anyway) there is a new edition of Component Conundrum with its own theme. The theme can be as simple as a colour, animal type or something with a more specific subject.
The very first Component Conundrum I made was Easter themed and that had loads of cute wittle fwuffy bunnies and eggses. We’re a wee way off Easter, but there’s nothing wrong with getting in the mood for scoffing lots of chocs, so here is the Easter Edition from a few years back.

The Easter Edition showed a collection of components from 7 different games. The games themselves are not necessarily Easter themed but the components do match the theme and together make up this cool Easter Greetings photo. So now it’s up to you to take a good look and figure out which games all those little itsy bits have come from. Don’t scroll down too far just yet, coz aargh, there be answers afoot!
The number of games included in each Edition differs, but it basically comes down to the games we have on the shelves and what pretty little shinies I can find hiding amongst them. I try to aim to get around 8-10 games which sometimes is more challenging than others.
The pieces can be any part of the game: the board, the coins, player pieces, cards, tokens, player boards, starting token, dice, pouches… really, anything. So the pieces can get pretty obscure sometimes and not necessarily the component you would easily recognise a game for.
Then after posting the first photo, or series of photos, I post the answers about a week later. These show exactly which component came from which game.
Playing Component Conundrum is also a fun way to get to know some new games as well as testing your board game knowledge. I have certainly picked quite a few games mainly based on their component design.
So that’s it. I hoped you enjoyed this little introduction and that you will keep an eye out for our Component Conundrums in the future!!
You said there were going to be the answers to the Easter Edition!!!!
I did didn’t I? Well here they are:
The components are from:
-Dungeon Petz
-Happy Pigs: Farm Friends
-Bunny Kingdom
-Hoppladi Hopplada! (aka Konijnen Hokken)