It is nearly Christmas: just five and a half days to go!! SANTA’S COMING!!!!! Us squirrels here are getting very excited!!! We love getting together with family and eating lots of scrumptious goodies and feeling ridiculously stuffed, giving gifts throughout the day and listening to lots of Christmas music (good and bad). Sometimes we even get around to playing a couple of games, although it usually ends up being charades!!
This is our festive selection from the Squirrel Hoard range for you to enjoy:

It is not only delicious to smell while it’s baking, but is also yummity scrum to eat: GINGERBREAD. Here is our Gingerbread Meeple Button Badge: a badge of a Gingerbread Meeple with Faerie Wings hovering above some Fly Agaric toadstools. No, we probably couldn’t have crammed much more into the design. It’s cluttered and we like it!!
You can hang them in your Christmas tree or on your ears!! You can hide them throughout the house and hopefully they’ll be found before February. You can even eat them!! Yes they are peppermint flavoured candy canes. And this is our swirly white and red Peppermint Golem Dice Set.

Every year we are hoping for a White Christmas… Do we bloody get it? No!! Usually the weather is crap and we have to put up with greyness and drizzle. At least it’s a good excuse to stay indoors and eat more food and (hopefully) play more games. While we are waiting for Jack Frost, here is our Icy Invocation Dice Set.
Forest Dragon…riiiight??? Isn’t that pushing it for Christmas? Well yeah it is a bit, but what is Christmas without the red, and the greeeeeeennnn!!! So as the Forest Dragon Dice Set is our only green and red dice set, here it is on our Christmas list!

We hope you enjoyed our Christmas gift guide selection!! A Very Merry Christmas everyone!! Get your gifts wrapped, heat up the Glühwein, tie up your annoying relatives and shove them in the cupboard, and crank up Maria!!
DISCLAIMER: We do not actually recommend tying up your relatives and leaving them in the cupboard. Unless it’s what they’re into, then go ahead!